In today’s rapid development of network information, there are many false information. By reading the article “It’s Not Misinformation. It’s Amplified Propaganda.” The article mentioned the negative impact of media propaganda, I learned a new word: “propaganda”. This term refers to the negative effects of false propaganda published by the public based on their own feelings.
There are many types of messy information on the web, from accounts that are fake, to people who are cleverly manipulating real content for some purpose. Fueled by social media, rumors, and misinformation will flourish. So this is also a question that makes me think, how can I avoid publishing or spreading incorrect information myself? I believe that the dissemination of information has some authenticity, but sometimes it is fabricated or misled by some people. Strengthening the ability to think critically is one solution that I think can avoid being misled.
What makes me feel wow is, the author thinks inclusive education is a philosophy of education that seeks to create an environment in which all students have the opportunity to succeed. It does this by ensuring that children with special needs are included in the general curriculum and not segregated from it.
What makes me feel wonder is, Shelley shares her thoughts on education using bowling as an example in her video. She gave examples of how our education is not yet able to reach difficult children (such as children with autism). Therefore, through universal design for learning, it is provided for these children to learn. I think this way is a good medium to help these kids, and I’m wondering a better way to help them.
Regarding the video “What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)?“(FutureLearn, 2022), The way we learn has evolved, according to the video, not just in terms of what we do in the classroom or with the teacher, but also in terms of how we learn through social media, video sharing sites, and forums(Unknown, 2022).
A personal learning network (PLN) is a collection of people who have common interests, aspirations, and beliefs. The members are not necessarily related to one another, although they may be linked by common experiences or goals.
Tian discusses in her wow and wonder: “PLNs are especially beneficial at a time when fresh knowledge and ideas are reshaping the world at a rate never seen before.” Fresh information and ideas are changing the globe at a much faster rate than ever before, PLNs are extremely valuable(Tarach, 2019).
The purpose of a PLN is to provide members with an opportunity to discuss issues that affect them personally and/or professionally. So I think a PLN is a great way to learn and share knowledge. About why Personal Learning Network is needed.
Banow (2013)said that:”Faculty who work in remote areas use social media sites like Twitter to connect with a huge number of people who share their teaching interests, research interests, and experience. Professional development and isolation relief are both aided by this resource.”
So, Personal Learning Network is a great way to help people in remote areas get the latest knowledge.
In the article “Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age”(Siemens, 2005), the author explains: “The continual acquisition of new information based on a quickly shifting foundation is known as connectionism.” Mia said on her blog: “Because its core idea revolves around a network of individuals sharing knowledge, sources, and viewpoints, connectionism is the most important learning theory in the digital age.”
Technology is important in education today because it opens up new ways to learn: digital technologies allow us to access information not only directly through the Internet, but also indirectly through apps like Google Docs. Digital technologies are a set of tools that allow us to communicate, store and process information. We can acquire and store knowledge through the Internet. This reminds me of an example of the learning impact of connectionism is the personal learning network. Exchange resources and learn from each other through communication on the Internet and social media. Constructivism is a hypothesis about how people learn that is based on observation and scientific research (Unknown, 2022). Constructivism is a traditional theory of learning that holds that learners can acquire knowledge through tasks. Thus, in contrast to constructivism, connectionism is a new way of sharing resources and learning centered on the Internet. Let’s connect with the internet.
With regard to connectionism and personal learning networks, my idea is that in the linking and creation of networks, information can easily travel from one area to another. The aggregation of this information forms a vast networked world. Twitter, for example, is a great personal learning network. Connection is the key to online learning.
In the article “The Construction of Personal Learning Networks to Support Non-Formal Workplace Learning of Training Professionals”(Manning, 2015). The authors mention: “We can’t expect to learn everything we can on our own, so we must rely on the experience of others to supplement our knowledge. The foundation of connectionism is these links to people and devices.”I think that in networking, experience is the catalyst for connection formation. A personal learning network (PLN) is a collection of resources or nodes (people, information sources, etc.) that people use to meet their learning needs (Manning, 2015).
For example, I now have the knowledge I have mastered as a node. Through the integration and connection of the personal learning network, the past experience of others will also help me become more familiar with my major, and even expand some new knowledge.
And the question I want to keep thinking about and discussing is about the application of connectionism to expand the personal network.
Banow, R. (2013, February 25). PLN (Personal Learning Network): What, Why, and How? | Educatus.
Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning. (2022). WNET EDUCATION.
Manning, C. A. (2015). Retrieved March 1, 2022, from
Siemens, G. (2005, January). Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. International Journal of Instructional Technology&Distance Learning.
Trach, E. (2019, April 18). Personal Learning Network (PLN) Benefits, Tools, and Tactics. Schoology.
Updates, Insights, and News from FutureLearn | Online Learning for You. (2021, February 4).FutureLearn.
By reading article“Residents and Visitors”, i learn how to conceptualize my relationship with digital media in another way – VR Diagram. Here is the VR Diagram I made.
By reading this week’s article: Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement, I think the core of digital literacy is “the use of the social media”. I think what we should be thinking about is how exactly do we use technology to serve people? There are various ways to view your relationship with digital media in the online world, and one of them is that you may be a tourist to some cyberspaces and a resident of others.
What made me “wow” this week by reading the article “Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age” is the authors propose Connectivism – a new learning theory. In the new era of technological development, we have changed the way we learn. We have added a lot of learning methods compared to the past, such as the Internet. In the Internet world, we can quickly extract information and knowledge.
The “wonder” I’d want to expand on a concern raised in the article regarding learning theory and the impact of technology and new sciences (chaos and networks) on learning: How can we continue to keep pace in a rapidly evolving information ecosystem? My point of view is to develop a personal network of your own. You can expand your knowledge by using the resources and connections of the network. For example using social media (Twitter, Facebook…). Through this, you can integrate into your favorite circle, so you can quickly grasp some of the latest information, so as to keep up with the trend of the times.
What makes me feel “wow” this week is about the video”What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)?”. With the progress and application of the Internet, we can also acquire more knowledge in the Internet. We can quickly grasp and exchange information through different social media (such as Facebook, Twitter). The era of the Internet has made us change many ways of living and learning, and realize the way of learning at home. It also greatly shortens the distance between people. So what makes me “wow” is that the internet brings different experiences and ways as I grow up.
A “wonder” in the article “Networked Privacy“, the author mentions that our privacy is becoming more and more networked. Makes me want to know more about how people will go about regulating and protecting data normalization and privacy.
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