What made me “wow” this week by reading the article “Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age” is the authors propose Connectivism – a new learning theory. In the new era of technological development, we have changed the way we learn. We have added a lot of learning methods compared to the past, such as the Internet. In the Internet world, we can quickly extract information and knowledge.
The “wonder” I’d want to expand on a concern raised in the article regarding learning theory and the impact of technology and new sciences (chaos and networks) on learning: How can we continue to keep pace in a rapidly evolving information ecosystem? My point of view is to develop a personal network of your own. You can expand your knowledge by using the resources and connections of the network. For example using social media (Twitter, Facebook…). Through this, you can integrate into your favorite circle, so you can quickly grasp some of the latest information, so as to keep up with the trend of the times.
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